Tag Archives: introduction


Hey guys, I’m Bella! i don’t really have any experience in blogging, nor have i ever even thought about blogging until a long and meaningful conversation occurred with my Mum, saying that if i want to become a journalist i have to start practising and get myself out there, hence why i’m here.

I am 15, almost 16. i enjoy..LOVE reading and writing. I’m in love with english. I love music, i am a guitarist and a singer. Basically i am big on variety. So when my Mum was talking about blogging, i wasnt really open to the idea but to be completely honest, this is where it all begins.

Actually, i don’t even know if i’m supposed to do this? can you even write these types of things on blogs. let me know.

So i am almost 16 as i said, i want to be a journalist when i get out of school, i got that passion about 2-3 years ago, through the love of reading and through my favourite show Gilmore girls. If you haven’t heard of that (i won’t explain what it’s about but i will tell you the whole journalism aspect) the main character is a journalist and i basically learnt to love and appreciate journalism through her (you should really watch it)

So that is my little introduction, please help me if you see this, any tips or starters would be fantastic! lets do this journey together 🙂

– Bella